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From parenting to public policy, we delve into the topics that shape our culture, impact our nation and influence our homes, because every issue is a mom issue.
Mom View End of Season 1

Catch Up on Our
Season One shows

Get to Know The Tribe

Hadas Levy - The Mom View Show - Moms for America

Hadas Levy

Conservative Singer
& Songwriter

Aly Legge

Director of Civic Engagement
Moms for America

Kimberly Fletcher

Founder & President
Moms for America

Debbie Kraulidis - Host - The Mom View

Debbie Kraulidis

Vice President
Moms for America

Mayra Rodriguez

Arizona State Liaison
Moms for America

Uniting Women Across America

Join us “on the couch” each week as real issues are addressed, resources are shared, and true connections are made.

We’d love to hear from you!  Share your MomView with us and any guests or topics you’d like to see on the show.

Check out our favorite songs that celebrate freedom and the powerful influence of moms!

Join us “on the couch” each week as real issues are addressed, resources are shared, and true connections are made.
We’d love to hear from you!  Share your MomView with us and any guests or topics you’d like to see on the show.
Check out our favorite songs that celebrate freedom and the powerful influence of moms!

Get To Know The Mom View

The Mom View Show serves as a vital voice for conservative women across America. Every week, we dive into discussions that help strengthen our homes and communities, ensuring your voice is not only heard, but also valued.

What Our Viewers Say

“The Mom View is a breath of fresh air. It tackles the real issues at the heart of our nation from a perspective that resonates with me as a conservative mother.”
Linda Michaels – Oregon

“This show has truly created a community I’m proud to be part of. It’s empowering to hear from other moms who share similar values and challenges. The Mom View is more than a show; it’s a movement.”
Sarah Miller - Ohio

“I can’t wait to see each new episode of The Mom View. They are enlightening, engaging, and they empower me with knowledge and perspective on what’s happening in today’s culture.”
Emily Johnson - Texas

“As a guest on The Mom View, I was impressed by the depth of conversation and the respectful, insightful dialogue. It’s a show that truly values diverse viewpoints.”
Laura Smith - Arizona